The difference between RTK and GPS

GPS (Global Positioning System) is the abbreviation of Global Positioning System. It started as a project of the US military in 1958 and was put into use in 1964. RTK (Real-time kinematic) is the abbreviation of real-time dynamic differential technology. RTK is a real-time dynamic differential technology. It is a technology produced by the combination of GPS and digital transmission technology. It is developed on the basis of GPS measurement technology through continuous improvement and perfection. In the field of surveying and mapping, it is an eye-catching technological breakthroughs.
Today, I will talk about the difference between the two in detail.
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1. Different definitions

First of all, by definition, GPS is a global positioning system, and high-precision GPS measurements must use carrier phase observations. RTK (Real Time Kinematic) is a real-time dynamic differential technology. In GNSS measurement, such as static, fast static, and dynamic measurements, it needs to be solved afterwards to obtain centimeter-level accuracy. RTK (Real — time kinematic) real-time differential positioning It is a measurement method that can obtain centimeter-level positioning accuracy in real time in the field. To put it simply, RTK technology repairs the error of GNSS signals, making the positioning results more accurate. By installing a mobile base station on a reference point of known position, the deviation of the positioning signal is known. Send this deviation to the mobile station that needs to be positioned, and the mobile station can obtain more accurate location information.

2. Different Basic Principles

GPS: Measure the distance between the known satellite and the ground GPS receiver, and then the receiver can determine its specific position on the earth by communicating with at least 4 satellites and calculating the distance to these satellites. The positioning accuracy of ordinary GPS is ≥ 1 meter, and there is a 50% probability that the signal error will reach more than 2 meters. People who have been pitted by mobile phone GPS navigation must have experienced this. In addition, GPS cannot support accurate altitude determination, and the error may be as high as ten meters.


The base station is built on a known or unknown point; the satellite signal received by the base station is sent to the user in real time through the wireless communication network; the user receiver jointly calculates the received satellite signal and the received base station signal in real time to obtain Obtain the coordinate increment between the base station and the rover station, the distance between stations is 30 kilometers, and the plane accuracy is 1–2 centimeters;

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3. Different Role


RTK is to send the carrier phase collected by the base station to the user’s receiver for difference calculation and coordinate calculation. Its appearance brings new measurement principles and methods for engineering stakeout, topographic mapping, and various control measurements, which greatly improves improved work efficiency; GPS is a comprehensive, all-weather, all-time, high-precision satellite navigation system developed and established by the US Department of Defense. It can provide low-cost, high-precision three-dimensional position, speed and precise timing navigation information for global users. It has greatly improved the informatization level of the earth society and strongly promoted the development of the digital economy. The satellite signal transmitted by the GPS satellite is composed of carrier, ranging code and navigation message. The carrier and ranging code are used to measure the distance between the satellite and the user receiver. The navigation message contains information such as satellite ephemeris and clock difference. Due to the large symbol width of the ranging code, the ranging accuracy of the ranging code is not high. This measurement method is called the ranging code, the accuracy of carrier phase measurement is much higher than that of pseudo-range law.

Every centimetercounts, especially in industries like surveying, agriculture, construction, drones, autonomous driving, and more, where precision is the cornerstone of success.

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